Ad Speedup Chrome extension can rewind YouTube ads

A developer by the name of hackhive has created a unique extension that does not block YouTube ads but instead speeds them up. This extension, known as Ad Speedup, automatically detects advertisements and speeds them up by 16 times. So it turns a 30-second commercial into a matter of seconds. Continue reading "Ad Speedup Chrome extension can rewind YouTube ads"

YouTube introduced intentional slowdowns for ad block users

Users have observed that YouTube is now loading slower in browsers with ad blockers. The issue was initially reported by Firefox users, who noticed a five second delay in loading YouTube videos compared to Chrome. Afterward, users of Edge, Brave, and Chrome also experienced similar problems. Continue reading "YouTube introduced intentional slowdowns for ad block users"

Subscribing to YouTube Premium doesn’t actually disable all ads

Some Reddit users have recently observed that subscribing to YouTube Premium does not completely eliminate ads. Google explains that the subscription ensures no ads appear at the beginning or end of videos and prevents interruptions by advertising inserts. Continue reading "Subscribing to YouTube Premium doesn’t actually disable all ads"

Play Something is a new YouTube feature to randomly play content

Reports on the Internet indicate that YouTube is currently testing a new feature called the Play something button. It allows users to randomly play content when they are unsure of what to watch on the platform. Continue reading "Play Something is a new YouTube feature to randomly play content"

YouTube introduces AI-powered comment summary for long threads

YouTube has revealed that it is currently testing two innovative artificial intelligence functionalities with the aim of enhancing the YouTube viewing experience. Initially, these features will only be available to a select group of users. Continue reading "YouTube introduces AI-powered comment summary for long threads"

Google is blocking YouTube for more ad blocker users

YouTube is stepping up its efforts to combat ad blockers. More users are now reporting issues with video playback when using AdBlock or similar browser extensions. When detecting an ad blocker, the platform now opens a warning message which gives users the option to disable the blocker, whitelist YouTube, or subscribe to YouTube Premium. Continue reading "Google is blocking YouTube for more ad blocker users"

User Agent of Windows Phone helps avoiding anti-ad block on YouTube

The anti-ad blocker on YouTube video hosting can be bypassed by setting browser's user agent to the Windows Phone string. Windows Phone is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft from 2010 to 2015. Continue reading "User Agent of Windows Phone helps avoiding anti-ad block on YouTube"

YouTube Music introduces Samples, a TikTok like feed

The YouTube Music app has received an update that introduces a new vertical Samples feed. This feed, located in a new tab at the bottom of the app alongside the home feed and library, allows users to quickly discover new music. Continue reading "YouTube Music introduces Samples, a TikTok like feed"

YouTube now shows an anti-ad block screen with a Premium promotion timer

YouTube is currently testing a new version of warnings for free users, which includes a timer and prompts to upgrade to YouTube Premium. When the pop-up appears, a timer is displayed in the upper right corner, lasting for 30 to 60 seconds. The window highlights the benefits of a Premium subscription and offers options to "Allow YouTube ads" or "Try YouTube Premium." Continue reading "YouTube now shows an anti-ad block screen with a Premium promotion timer"

YouTube now blocks links in Shorts comments and descriptions due to spam

The issue of spam and scammers on YouTube has reached a critical point, leading the platform to prevent users from posting of links in comments and descriptions on Shorts. These restrictions will be implemented gradually for all users and will be fully enforced by the end of September. To address the issue, YouTube will provide content creators with an alternative method to link full videos to Shorts. Continue reading "YouTube now blocks links in Shorts comments and descriptions due to spam"

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