Change Icon Cache Size in Windows 11 and 10

In Windows 11 and Windows 10, you can change the icon cache size that can be of help if Explorer opens slowly. To show icons faster, Windows caches them into a file. This special file contains icons for many apps and file types, so File Explorer doesn't need to extract the icons for known file extensions and apps. This allows File Explorer to work faster.

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Activate Hidden Features in Windows 11 and 10 Insider Builds

As you may already know, Windows 10 Insider Preview includes a set of "hidden" feature which are not accessible to regular users. Usually, the OS includes features that are not finished or can cause some unexpected behavior. Here are two tools we can use to unblock such features, both free and open source.

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Add PowerShell file (*.ps1) to New Context Menu of File Explorer

In this article, we will see how to get a useful context menu item to create a New -> Windows PowerShell script. It will save you time if you need to create them from time to time. You get a new file with the PS1 extension instantly with one click.
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How to enable NumLock on startup and login screen in Windows 11 and 10

In this post, we will review how to enable NumLock by default in Windows 11 and 10. So it will be turned on startup when you sign in to or restart the OS. It is very useful when your username or password has numbers that you type on the numeric keypad. But by default, the keypad is off and works as navigation keys. Luckily, there are several methods to change this. It is important to note that all of them also work in Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7 and even older versions of the operating system.
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