A new build of Microsoft Office is out for the stable branch. The released build is 8229.2086 and includes a number of changes. Here is what's new in this update.
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At the edge of tweaking
A new build of Microsoft Office is out for the stable branch. The released build is 8229.2086 and includes a number of changes. Here is what's new in this update.
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A new build of Microsoft Office is out for participants of the Office Insider program. The released build is 8067.2018 and includes a number of changes. Here is what is new in this update.
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Along with Windows 10, Microsoft is also actively developing the next version of its Office suite, which will get version 16 and is likely to be named Office 2016. While many users are trying new builds of Windows 10 available through the Windows Insider program for everyone, not many are aware that they can also try Microsoft Office 16 Preview. Here are the steps you need to do to obtain your copy of Microsoft Office 16 Preview.
Continue reading "Download Microsoft Office 16 Preview"