Google Enables Highlight for Snippet Text On Target Web Page

Google makes finding the required information on a target web page much easier. The company rolls out a change that highlights featured snippets in the its search results. Once you open the target page, the featured text will appear in yellow. Continue reading "Google Enables Highlight for Snippet Text On Target Web Page"

Get View Image Button In Google Image Search

As you may already know, Google has recently removed the ability to open images directly from image search results. Many users find this change very inconvenient. Here are a browser extension which can revive the missing functionality in Google's image search results.
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Google is now a member of the .NET Foundation

The Microsoft Connect(); // 2016 developers event happened this Wednesday and some interesting announcements were made there. One of them is that Google is now a member of the .NET Foundation and will expand .NET support in its services, including the Google Cloud Platform. Google has already been one of the most active contributors even before joining the .NET Foundation for the past two years and now will be more involved in developing the future of .NET. Continue reading "Google is now a member of the .NET Foundation"

How to disable the targeted ads (bubbling) in Google

If you use Google services, you might be knowing that Google collects some data about you to target you with relevant ads. Of all the information collected by Google, the most notable are your search queries when you are signed in (or even if you aren't), your location, your web browser cookies, and even your email. For example, if I Googled on how to buy tablets, I will see ads about online shops which sell tablets. Some users care a lot about their privacy and some of them just do not want any targeted ads. For those users, Google has a special set of settings.
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Change Google+ Hangouts volume and more with Hangout Toolbox

In our earlier post, you were introduced to Google+ Hangouts and why it's one of the best video calling experience currently on the web. Well that doesn't mean that it's perfect. Hangouts currently leaves a lot to be desired in terms of features.

One of the most basic tasks you would want to do when you are in a video call is to adjust the volume. But you will find no such feature by default in Google+ Hangouts. Ridiculous, isn't it? It's because Hangouts controls the volume automatically depending on your microphone input volume, background noise etc. But fear not, it's possible to manually adjust the volume. In this article, I will show you how.

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Introduction to Google+ Hangouts – free, high quality video calls!

Today, I would like to introduce you to one useful, free and cool service we have on the web, courtesy of Google - Google+ Hangouts. Now you may wonder what is special about Hangouts when you have literally hundreds of free solutions - Facebook video chat, Microsoft's Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, Apple's FaceTime and several dozen others. Well, let's see what makes Hangouts great.

Continue reading "Introduction to Google+ Hangouts – free, high quality video calls!"

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